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Rising Importance of Youtube Optimization for 2019



As long as we are discussing the SEO prognosis for 2019, it’s important to cover all our bases. Mobile search–and particularly voice search, will change the way service providers must word their services and solutions; Amazon optimization and blockchain integration are also rising in importance.

However, we cannot forget about the power of YouTube. YouTube stands next to Google, Bing, and Amazon as a top search engine. The importance of optimizing your video content cannot be overstated.

  • People’s retention of information rises by more than 50 percent when the information they are presented with is both heard and seen (as in a video) as opposed to just an audio presentation.
  • When a product pitch is accompanied by a video demonstration or trailer, the intent to purchase rises by over 60 percent!
  • User experience rises with video marketing strategies. People do not have the time or attention to read through a hundred reviews or blocks of text, but they are certainly willing to watch a Youtube review, a product unboxing, a personal experience, or tutorial in their leisure time (also known as prime buying time).
  • According to data trends measuring YouTube usage — by 2019, close to 80 percent of all consumed data will be video content.Yes, most internet traffic will come from video content. This is HUGE.

In other words, professionally approaching your YouTube presence will be vitally important in establishing your brand authority and presence, as well as closing sales with your most valuable customers.

Why Hire the Professionals for YouTube Optimization

Maybe you are a big consumer product company with a dedicated team working on all your SEO, including YouTube optimization. However, perhaps you’re a blogger looking to boost channel subscribers or a company building your brand without the in-house expertise to learn the ever-changing art/science of SEO. In such cases, it may be worth to look at delegation. This is what professional services can do for you:

  • While you concentrate on producing and editing quality content, we will optimize all your video titles, descriptions, tags, categories, thumbnails, and more.
  • Getting compelling, relevant titles and descriptions for each of your videos will drive people to your channel or product.
  • By finding the right keywords and phrases to use in your titles and descriptions fields/tags, etc., we will get the right people to your channel or site. Wording shows intent, and we can help direct the kind of traffic you want to your site.
  • Having helpful, more accurate titles and tagged Youtube content will greatly increase user experience (UX). The people looking for the stuff you are putting out will be driven to your content. Your audience will not click away from a video that is helping their problem (low bounce rates), they will probably “Like” your video, and even subscribe.
  • More traffic, lower bounce rate, better user experience, more comments and subscriptions means you will rank high on Youtube, but you will also rank much higher on Google itself when your metrics improve so dramatically across the board.
  • If you are trying to make money on this platform through paid ads and sponsorships, having a successful channel, with many subscribers and lots of comments—will make you an influencer. Brands and companies need YouTubers who have struck a chord with people to promote or simply host/demonstrate their products on their popular channels. YouTube optimization can help you make money directly through your own products or other people’s ads.

If you’d like to get your products or services in front of the eyes of thousands of viewers, have your YouTube optimization performed by a trusted SEO company. We will find the best keywords to rank your products for–the ones which show client intent to buy or subscribe. Top Organic Leads is a well-established SEO company with almost fifteen years of experience optimizing websites, as well as fine-tuning your company’s social online presence with Google+, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Call (310) 299-2799 for a consultation.

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Rising Importance of Youtube Optimization for 2019 was last modified: August 18th, 2024 by Ali Husayni
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